Deacon's Local Missions:
Funded with generous contributions from church members, the Deacons minister to the poor, sick, and needy in our community. Needs such as groceries, utilities, medical, and rent are met as well as other special needs that may arise.
Our Church supports a variety of missions, including the Evangelical Presbyterian World Outreach ministries, Samaritan's Purse, Sacks Thrift Avenue, No Longer Orphans, One With God, We Care Ministries, Agape House, Weakley County school Backpack program, Hunters for the Hungry, Belize medical mission, and others. Also, there is a special mission fund designed specifically to assist people age 75 and over who live in Greenfield. In addition, our church is growing in our world outreach. Our Church has been involved in the purchase and installation of a water purification system in Begoro, Ghana at the Presbyterian Girls Vocational School. Our pastor conducted training for school teachers, elders, and deacons, in a Presbyterian Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with Indigenous Outreach International, and worked with Nakuru West Presbyterian Church in Nakuru, Kenya to train teachers as well as worked at their orphanage. Also, our church purchased a tractor for the orphanage to use on their site as well as in the community to help raise funds for the orphanage.
There are two Presbyterian Women's Circles that meet monthly in the homes of members where they have Bible Study and refreshments. Circle 2 supports a variety of projects including assistance to needy students, particularly those involved in Beta Club, help with flood relief in West TN, supporting Agape House, Operation Christmas Child, and others. Also, the Circle is actively involved in church activities such as congregational dinners and bridal teas. Circle 3, consisting of mothers of minor children, also are engaged in projects which include Operation Christmas Child, hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt, providing "Trunk of Treat" at Halloween, hosting a Women's Day, assisting needy families at Christmas, and hosting baby showers, as well as helping with all local church activities.
Kirk Kids provides weekly activities such as Bible stories, music, and crafts for the young children in the Church. |